Língua Inglesa

Love Isn’t Eternal

02-09-2022By: Júlia Progianti Bueno (ra117161@uem.br),Aluna de Letras-Inglês e Literaturas CorrespondentesOrientadora: Cristiane Capristano

Once upon a time, or rather, at this current moment, was the first time a young girl discovered that love isn’t eternal. Hate (which as incredible as it seems, was the name of the little girl) had always been in love with everything. She loved days, hours, people, her friends, her family and most of all, she loved herself.

Unfortunately, all this love that Hate gave was not always reciprocal. It all started when the little girl got bad grades. Her father, who always loved her so much, called the young girl "stupid". After that, he started taking Hate's money and psychologically abusing her. It didn't take long for Hate to leave her home and move in with her grandparents. That's when her father forgot about her and she felt the first thing that wasn't love… It was hate.

After moving away and feeling something new that was no longer love, the young girl saw her friends turn away and avoid her. They had many excuses, saying that the girl was "too negative", that Hate never went to clubs and that she always left parties and get-togethers early. And finally, most of the friends that Hate loved so much just disappeared from her life. And that's when Hate felt something different, which we usually call anger and sadness.

After those incidents, some days were worse than others, some hours were obnoxious, and some people just pissed Hate off. But little did she know that the worst was yet to come, that the strength of knowing that she would never give up on herself would weaken… And it all started with a photo on Instagram. Apparently, there were people who didn't love the girl's body, worse than that, they hated it and made sure the girl knew it. Then Hate heard the rumors: how boring, unbearable, sad, and deluded she was. And that's when the young girl felt the worst of all feelings; she felt self-doubt, becoming uncomfortable with whom she was and sometimes just wishing she were someone else.

But like I said, it's still the story about a girl who loves a lot. Hate grew up, continued to have support from her grandparents, aunts and uncles and strengthened her bonds with those friends who had never given up on her. She even found a boy, who I call Hope, and they built a love that the old Hate could barely imagine being able to feel.

Our young girl, now, was already a great woman, who discovered that love is not always eternal and shouldn't be. And that's why those people, who never gave up on loving Hate, were so important. Love isn't eternal, but they chose to love Hate eternally.

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