Língua Inglesa

Do Kyung Soo (D.O.)

The idol who is not an idol

20-11-2021Por: Letícia Harume Kai Suenaga (ra117322@uem.br )Aluno de Letras-InglêsOrientadora: Célia Regina Lessa Aleixo

Imagem: Divulgação.

If you, Chewing Letters readers, have heard of K-pop or Korean dramas, you may have heard of Do Kyung Soo, better known as D.O. Throughout his 9-year career, the idol has become world famous alongside his eight companions as part of EXO in the voice role. He also achieved his own place in the acting business, being recognized for his diverse roles, and is now considered in Korea to be the best idol-actor in the industry.

Kyung Soo's face may not have the standard celebrity face, but no one can deny his beautiful appearance. He is one of the shortest in EXO, when compared with the other members, which doesn’t mean he is a short guy. He has brown eyes, dark hair, and although he does not like to sweat and loves to eat, he tries to keep in shape. His lips form a heart when he smiles, further enhancing his beautiful appearance.

Don't think he has a bad personality if he keeps looking at you. He has sometimes been misinterpreted because he has astigmatism and, to be able to see without his glasses, he has to force his eyes as if he is staring at you. In fact, he is shy and quiet, but he is very polite and considerate of the people around him. Besides impressing people with his talent for singing and acting, he still captivates people by the stomach. Even with his busy schedule, he made time to take a Korean cooking course with his mother and showed so much talent with his culinary skills that he enlisted as a military cook in his years in the army.

All in all, I admire Do Kyung Soo not just because he is a celebrity, but for who he is as a person. He is a caring and kind person in his shy way and at the same time demonstrates a serious and mature personality. Even with the fabrication of behavior that Korean industry imposes on idols, it does not hide his true personality and that is what I like about him.

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